British Athletes Commission to launch Online Platform to help create workplace opportunities for athletes New Athletes Connect platform will launch on 12 October, providing elite athletes with opportunities at schools, colleges, charities and in businessThe British Athletes Commission (BAC), the independent body that represents and supports the interests of all British athletes, has today announced the forthcoming launch of its new Athletes Connect platform that will provide workplace opportunities for elite athletes by helping them partner with schools, colleges, charities and businesses.Launching on 12 October, Athletes Connect arrives at a time of increased focus on the journey athletes take as they move out of sport. The platform is part of a three-pronged BAC strategy to: help athletes benefit from securing further income; develop athletes’ life skills; and inspire the younger generation of athletes.Individuals will be able to register to Athletes Connect as an ‘athlete’ (BAC members only) or an ‘organisation’ and, once signed up, will have the opportunity to apply for upcoming opportunities that have been submitted by an organisation. In advertising a new opening, organisations will provide all the key information for athletes, such as the location, time and fee associated with the opportunity.BAC Athlete Engagement Manager, Kristian Thomas said:The BAC is very excited to launch Athletes Connect and offer another support mechanism to its members. Not only is it a great opportunity for athletes to source additional income whilst developing skills away from their sporting environment, but these opportunities have the potential to inspire thousands of people around the UK.”Once launched, the platform will help answer widespread demand amongst British athletes for greater support to successfully move out of professional sport and into the wider world, particularly with finding opportunities in industry, whether that be school visits, corporate speaking opportunities or charity work.BAC Athlete Ambassador, Hannah Cockroft said:Athletes Connect will be a welcomed platform for athletes, helping us secure commercial opportunities and further income. This not only helps with financial support when training and competing, but also gives the opportunity to build relationships with organisations and develop additional skills that will be crucial for life after sport.”To mark the upcoming launch of Athletes Connect, opportunities will be published on the platform. Athletes are encouraged to visit the platform once it launches on 12 October at any further information, please contact BAC Athlete Support Manager, Kristian Thomas at:Kristian.thomas@britisheliteathletes.org07739516069


2020-10-01 06:44:59
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